November 2015

Send Out the Missionaries

Acts 13: 1-12 (ESV)

Keep it Real

Acts 5: 1-42 (ESV)

The Name of Jesus

Acts 3: 1-13 (ESV)

October 2015

Serve One Another

Galatians 5: 1-26 (ESV)

Greet One Another

Romans 16: 1-16 (ESV)

Live in Harmony with One Another

Romans 15: 5-6 (ESV)

September 2015

Devoted to One Another

Romans 12: 9-13 (ESV)

One of Another

Romans 12: 3-8 (ESV)


Matthew 22: 34-40 (ESV)

New Beginnings

Luke 5: 1-32 (ESV)